Search engine optimization, usually referred to just as SEO, is undoubtedly the most important marketing tool for any business looking to survive in the increasingly central world of online business. Consider, according to Search Engine Journal, 93% of all online experiences begin with a search engine, whether it’s Google, Bing, or otherwise. When you further consider that the majority of web users won’t go beyond the first page of search engine results — heck, most won’t go below the first three results — doing everything you can to increase the efficacy of your SEO campaign becomes crucial.
Unfortunately, especially for small business owners — entrepreneurs like you — search engine optimization help seems hard to come by. Fortunately, if you’re one of the many who just need a few simple pointers to get you started on your way to web dominance, we have three easy SEO tricks you can implement to start increasing your visibility online.
Three Simple Search Engine Optimizers for All Businesses
- Pay Attention to Inbound Marketing Royalty
- Don’t Assume Everything is Going Well
- Make It Easy for Users to Share Content Across Social Media
For Search Engine Journal, there are two keys to finding success online: content marketing and link-building. In fact, these two strategies are so important that many refer to them as the king and queen of modern web marketing, respectively. In a nutshell, you need to focus on writing engaging content that web surfers want to read, while reaching out with the content by including links to other sites. These tactics work in synergy to grow awareness of your brand around the web.
The biggest mistake you can make in SEO is assume that everything is working for you, as Business Insider points out. You need to be using analytics tools like Google’s Webmaster Tools to see whether or not your efforts are really yielding any extra traffic. If you’re getting good results, keep on keeping on. However, if your traffic is remaining flat, you’ll know it’s time to switch up your strategies.
As Statistics Brain shows, there are nearly two-billion people who use popular social media platforms, from Facebook to Tumblr, to share their favorite content with their friends and family online. In other words, finding an easy way to tap into social media can have huge benefits for your company. As Pepperdine University writes, it’s as simple as putting social media share buttons on your website. That way whenever someone reads content they like or sees a product they think friends will like, they only have to click a button to share it. That equals free search engine optimization help for you.
Did these tips give you the search engine optimization help you’ve been looking for? Share your success stories in the comments below.