Why are search engine marketing consulting firms carefully paying attention to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg? It’s not the reason you think. Zuckerberg recently added another takeover to his belt; this time, Facebook purchased a free, fitness-tracking mobile application, called Moves. What was Facebook’s reasoning, and why are these reasons capturing marketers’ attention?
Why Did Facebook Purchase Moves?
The mobile app, originally developed by small Finnish company ProtoGeo Oy, automatically tracks various distances — jogged, ran, and walked — per day and per week. “In addition to the automated activity tracking, users can also manually enter data, and Moves says it supports more than 60 predefined activity types,” Apple Insider continues. The app is already relatively popular, with at least 4 million separate downloads since its original launch in 2013. Facebook announced that the app and any related services will remain free.
Although fitness technology is easily a growing market, the Facebook team insists that they do not plan to directly profit from the takeover. BBC echos the sentiment, stating that Facebook, instead, will likely utilize data from the app to gauge users’ demands and interests. Ultimately, this information would be used to craft more relevant and profitable Facebook advertisements.
Marketers and Search Engine Optimizers Learn Important Lessons From Mark Zuckerberg
Improving advertising is not Facebook’s only angle, however. Search engine optimizers can learn a great deal from Facebook’s remaining motivations. What are they? By purchasing Moves, Zuckerberg is taking initiative to stay immediate and relevant. Fitness technology is rapidly gaining popularity and, thanks to his recent purchase, he is now a part of it. Likewise, keep search engine marketing strategies and small business search engine optimization packages relevant by optimizing sites for navigation on all devices. Consumers are increasingly using smartphones, tablets, and hybrid computers to browse the web.
Search engine marketing firms — and internet marketers in general — are looking to multi-billionaire Mark Zuckerberg to learn a thing or two about the best SEO and marketing practices. Good references here.