6 Ways to Attract More Customers to Your Website

September 3, 2015 by - Cincinnati web design, Expert seo consulting

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Many companies spend thousands of dollars on web design firms but neglect developing a strategy to get people to visit their sophisticated new website. You might have the most innovative, sleek website in your industry, but unless people are accessing it, it’s not very useful. Below we’ve listed several simple, actionable ways to get potential customers onto your website:

  1. Leverage Social Media. Having a presence on sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter makes your website accessible to the 65% of adults who use one or more social media account on a daily basis. Just be careful to not make your followers feel spammed. Use your companies social media platforms to connect with customers through relevant hashtags, community discussions, engaging content that drive consumers to your website.
  2. Write Good Headlines. Consider the rule of 80/20 with the content on your website. About 80% of your traffic will read your headline, and only 20% will read the content. Every time you create content for your website, consider writing 10 or 20 different headlines and then choosing the most compelling.
  3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Almost 95% of online experiences begin with a search engine. Most people ignore paid advertisements and instead click one of the first three actual search engine results. SEO marketing consultants create content that plays to the search engine’s algarythm by using strategic keywords to get your website in the top results of relevant search engine queries, which creates organic traffic to your page.

  4. Don’t Forget About Email Marketing. Email marketing is the least expensive way to get people onto your website, with the greatest return on investment. Studies show that for every dollar spent on email marketing, $40.56 is generated in customer conversion. Just be careful not to overload customers with so many emails that make them lose faith in the integrity of your business. An occational email update when you are offering a promotion or a new product will generate a spike in site traffic.
  5. Pay Attention to Analytics. Keep a close eye on what is working best to draw in visits to your website through analytic tools. What pages within your web design are the most popular? What referral sources are creating the most traffic? Are links from Facebook and Twitter being clicked the most? Are you getting a lot of hits from Google? What type of content gets the greatest response? Use analytics to remove ineffective content and create more content that engages potential customers.
  6. Utilize Video. Many web designers inbed video into a website to increase traffic and user interaction. In fact, having a video on your website will increase the likelihood of your website ending up on the first page of Google search results by more than 50 times. Experts estimate within the next year or two, 80% of all internet usage will be streaming videos; by putting a video on your website now, you will be getting your company ahead of the curve.
  7. Do you have any tips that helped increase traffic on your company website? We would love to hear your input! Please leave us a comment below!

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