In an increasingly online world, the need for a fully-functional, user-friendly, informative website is more important than ever. Here’s an overview of website marketing tips designed to help you find success online, including how to improve website traffic and how to improve website performance.
Why Do I Need A Good Website To Be Successful?
Simply examine the numbers. Even if you’re not a business in the technology field, your customers and clients will be using technology to find you.
– When trying to find information on local small businesses, 82% of consumers use internet search engines.
– According to Pew Internet, 58% of people — the majority of us — have researched a service or product online.
– 57% of businesses have acquired customers through their company’s site.
– Since the iPhone’s launch in 2007 and the iPad’s launch in 2010, Apple has sold over 85 million iPhones and 34 million iPads in the U.S. alone.
– Of 25 to 34 year olds, 84% report leaving a favorite website because of intrusive or irrelevant advertisements.
Why Do I Need A Mobile Friendly Website Design?
Again, let’s look at the numbers.
– 10% of all internet traffic is global mobile traffic.
– For all restaurant searches, 30% are made from mobile devices.
– 61% of customers are likely to get frustrated enough with a mobile unfriendly site to abandon it and go to a competitor’s website and/or business.
– Mobile traffic doesn’t just mean smartphones (though approximately half of all U.S. mobile phone users use a smartphone). In fact, tablet owners have been found to be the most active local searchers. 64% of tablet owners have indicated they use their tablet for local searches at least weekly.
Website Marketing Tips
– Converting Website to Mobile
Whether doing it in-house or going through a professional website designer or search engine marketing firm, there has been a fundamental shift in the ways in which we build websites. We’ve switched as an online culture not only to a mobile friendly website design, but also to using responsive web design. Responsive web design has a multi-faceted approach allowing for website marketing tips to be considered and accounted for. Through an optimal viewing experience, including easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling, across a wide range of almost all devices, responsive web design can increase website conversions and local search ranking factors.
– Using Unique and Localized Page Content
Many website marketing tips suggest using targeted content on your site, but don’t explain how. You can increase Google ranking, for example, by ensuring reviews, directions to the store or service, and city-specific user-generated content is prominently featured on your site.
– Ongoing and Timely Updates and New Content
Maybe one of the best website marketing tips we can offer you is to see your site as an ongoing, dynamic, ever-changing part of your business. Especially for small, local businesses, you can boost user interaction and rank higher within Google’s algorithms by regularly adding new content. This point especially is why so many website marketing tips also suggest using a professional website designer or search engine marketing firm. You can make them responsible for the initial site, regular posting, and staying up-to-date with new technology and user needs.