There are certain scenarios in which the average security measures just won’t do. This is particularly true in situations in which security may be breached at a level beyond human comprehension. If something is hidden in a suitcase, for example, it’s possible to open up that suitcase. However, it’s not necessarily convenient or even possible for every suitcase in a high-volume area — like an airport, for example — to be opened and inspected. Nor is necessary in every case; extra security measures are simply taking another step, whether or not it’s completely needed. Then there are other cases, in which there may be a flaw — or in extreme cases, a plant — in a device or product of some kind. It’s important to know that the device or product isn’t flawed or damaged in some way; but how can this be done without tearing the device apart? Digital x-ray inspection services and industrial CT scanning inspection services can and have made a major difference in the field of what is called non destructing testing. NDT testing makes it possible for us to know about security breaches, flaws, and damage without destroying the inspected product. As it is, the ways through which we can make the necessary inspections rooted in medical techniques like digital x-rays.
A Brief History Of X-Rays And CT Scanning
Digital x-rays stem from technology that has existed for a long time. Of course, x-rays are actually naturally occurring forms of electromagnetic radiation, harnessed and originally used to detect fractures and injuries. Now, of course, digital x-ray machines are regularly used in airports and plenty of other places that require high levels of security. Industrial CT equipment has also grown in leaps and bounds throughout the years. Originally, CT was invented by the scientists Godfrey Hounsfield of EMI Laboratories in England and South African Allan Cormack of Tufts University. Later, they would be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize due to their contributions to the medical community. Their invention of CT occurred in 1972. Between 1974 and 1976, the first CT machines would be installed. Originally, CT machines were dedicated to head imaging only. In 1976, whole body imaging systems would become available. By 1980, CT was widely available. Right now, there are about 6,000 CT machines installed in the United States and 30,000 machines installed worldwide. However, technology has grown in leaps and bounds since then — regarding both x-rays and CT scanning.
The Progression Of CT And X-Ray Technology
There are so many ways through which CT and x-ray technology has grown throughout the years. When CT was created, it took several hours for enough raw data to be collected for a single scan, otherwise known as a slice. It took days for a single image to be reconstructed from this data. Now, the latest multi-slice CT systems can gather up to four slices of data in 350 ms and reconstruct a 512 x 512 image form millions of data points in less than a second. 3D models with billions of voxels can be made in a matter of seconds. This means that 3D reverse engineering, rapid prototyping, 3D metrology and more are all possible. The abilities of x-ray machines have also grown tremendously. X-rays can be taken at speeds up to 30 frames per second. The size of the part scanned doesn’t matter much anymore either. It doesn’t matter if a part is .55 mm in length or 660 mm in diameter by 1 m in length. They can all be x-rayed.
Why CT Technology And X-ray Technology Is So Important
Once, this technology saved lives on a medical scale. Well — it still does. But its usefulness has expanded. It now saves people from threats including breaches of security. It can also prevent dangerous activities like smuggling. Ultimately, what’s most important is that people are kept safe. And this way, this can happen in a manner that is not destructive or intrusive.