Digital Marketing Don’t Make These 3 Mistakes!

July 17, 2015 by - Digital marketing specialist, Small business web design, Web design firm

When your website is important to your business, you need it to stand out. You also need it to get a lot of traffic. If you are not using a digital marketing company to market the site, you will need to learn business marketing for beginners before you can create marketing campaigns. Once you learn the basics, you can start building a digital strategy to get more readers for your site.

Companies that use digital marketing generally get more traffic from a number of different sources. The corporate digital marketing strategies that you use should bring in more traffic from the many links that exist to the website, from the pay-per-click ads that are bought by your company, and from the search engines that make it easy to find your site. The digital marketing that you use should include search engine optimization. Using SEO strategies makes it easier for people to find your site when they conduct a search engine query. The other strategies that you use to market your website may include display ads and other marketing methods to keep new traffic coming into your site. After you have done some marketing, you can expect your traffic numbers to gradually go up.

Digital marketing company

In this day in age when ecommerce generates $2.4 million every minute, digital marketing is an essential ingredient in the recipe for success for many businesses. Using digital media to promote brands, increase sales and build preferences is not always easy. Check out this list to make sure your web design and development team or digital marketing strategist isn’t making any of these three mistakes.

Mistake #1. Failing To Take Advantage Of Technology From Ecommerce Experts Like Miva Merchant Web Developers

With so much powerful software and technology readily available to optimize the online store format, our first digital marketing mistake is using outdated technology or platforms that simply don’t compete with the alternatives. One such resource that many small and medium sized businesses have had success with comes from the Miva Merchant web developers. Miva Merchant web developers work to increase sales by optimizing the ecommerce store processes. Experience and studies show us that straightforward and efficient online store setups enhance the customer’s satisfaction which often leads to repeat customers and greater revenues.

Mistake #2. Using Graphic Designs That Are Not Compatible With Mobile Devices Or Tablets

The second digital marketing mistake we will discuss is website developers focusing on designing sites and graphics that only work with desktop or laptop computers. Many businesses are making this mistake and we see up to 46% of consumers reporting negative experiences with companies’ mobile sites. Because four out of every five consumers use their smartphones to make purchases, failing to design content that is accessible with these devices may lead to squandered sales opportunities. In addition to this, over half of consumers are less likely to become customers of companies that have a bad mobile site. Instead of thinking of a mobile site as an afterthought, digital marketing specialists should make mobile web design a priority.

Mistake #3. Missing Out On Opportunities For Search Engine Optimization

The third and final digital marketing mistake that makes our list is neglecting opportunities for search engine optimization. At over 80%, the vast majority of internet users begin many of their internet sessions by typing a phrase into a search engine like google or yahoo. This is one of the best ways you will find new customers, so it is very important to take all the steps you can to make sure your website is as highly visible through a search engine search as possible. If you are not sure how to go about search engine optinization, there are SEO companies that specialize in the processes so you do not have to do it yourself.

As this list of digital marketing mistakes is by no means comprehensive, please feel free to share any and all additional thoughts you may have on the subject. As always, your questions are always welcome too.

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