Essential Tips For Creating an Amazing Website

October 21, 2014 by - Digital marketing st louis, Small business seo services, Web hosting for small business

Small business search engine optimization

These days it often seems as though the Internet has taken over our lives. We use it to communicate with people, read the news and to search for our favorite products and services. Although some people out there have tried to resist the massive online transition in our society, there is no denying that it is an essential tool. Companies that try to resist this shift are in even more trouble. With so many consumers turning to the Internet in search of information, companies need to build and maintain an online presence if they want to stay relevant. The first step in creating an online presence is professional website design and development, but how can companies achieve this?

Tips on Website Design

  1. Style and Font – The layout and style of a website can often make or break the site, therefore they are key components in the website design and development process. First of all, the home page of a website should be welcoming, but not overbearing. Leave the bulk of the information for other sections of the website. The style of the website should be representative of the company, and it should contain colors and graphics that are consistent with the company’s current branding. The font also needs to be professional and an appropriate size. If online users can’t read the content, they’re going to leave.
  2. Scope Out the Competition – It is always a good idea to do research before diving into a project, and creating a website is no different. It is important to look at competitors’ sites to see what works and what doesn’t. Make sure to include positive aspects of their sites on your website, but present them in a different way. Also take note of any downfalls to their sites and be sure to not make the same mistakes.
  3. Important Information – There are certain things that should always be included on a company’s website in order to make the experience as convenient as possible for customers. Things like store hours, contact information, refund policies and the company’s location(s) are all good points to add. It is also a good idea to include a FAQ section in order to answer common questions customers have. The easier the website is to understand and navigate, the better chance a company has of retaining customers.

How to Market Your Website Effectively

Knowing how to market your website effectively is also a key factor in building an online presence. After a company has a well-developed website, they should make use of various social media tools, search engine optimization, local business listing services and other online marketing tools to improve their visibility and traffic to their website. A great website is useless if no one sees it, so knowing how to market your website effectively is crucial.

Any company that is still struggling with the transition to the Internet needs to make sure that they have a solid website and that they are promoting it as best they can. The tips above can help a company create a professional, attractive and user-friendly website that will both attract and retain a strong customer base.
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